Importing Data
OpenQ offers the functionality to import CSV files containing lists of GitHub repositories, organizations, or contributors. To further enrich your data, we incorporate additional details from the CSV as custom fields into our integrated table, bringing all crucial information into one accessible place.
How to Import
Data import is tailored for your lists. To add contacts to a list, go to the list of your choice. Then, in the 'Add Contact' area, click on the 'Import' option. Simply drag and drop your CSV file into the provided space and click 'Start' to commence the import process.
When you click 'Start', OpenQ starts the process of analyzing the imported contacts. Invalid repositories are automatically filtered out during this phase. At the same time, you should specify the dependency you're tracking. This step is crucial for us to accurately identify which repositories are leveraging your technology and to determine if additional repositories from contributors, not previously monitored, also make use of your dependencies.